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2 mistakes that could cost you your green card

 Posted on July 01, 2021 in green cards

As a green card holder or U.S. citizen living in Texas, you may wish to secure another green card for a husband, wife, child, parent or sibling. A green card grants you and others permanent resident status, meaning it paves the way for you and others to live and work permanently within the United States. When you pursue a green card for a family member, you may want to educate the individual about the actions he or she might take that could put that green card in jeopardy.

Per the Miami Herald, the process involved in obtaining a green card is often long and arduous. Thus, it is important that green card recipients avoid making the following mistakes that could potentially cost them their permanent resident status.

1. Neglecting to report income

Anyone who lives and works in the United States and makes a specific amount must pay taxes on their earnings. If you help your family member secure a green card so he or she may work in the U.S. and then the green cardholder does not pay taxes, it may impact that party’s ability to live in the United States permanently.

2. Taking lengthy trips abroad

Green card holders also have to follow certain rules with regard to international travel. If the family member you help get a green card goes overseas and spends more than a year abroad, this results in the automatic cancellation of his or her green card.

Other actions that may threaten green card status include declaring “nonimmigrant status” when filing taxes or failing to register for the U.S. Selective Service System, if eligible for it.

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