Why Having a Plan in the Event of Deportation Is Crucial
Undocumented immigrants in Texas and across the United States are bracing for January 20th, when the new administration takes place. Migrant rights groups are warning undocumented Texans to prepare themselves, including making plans for their loved ones, in the event the worst-case scenario becomes a reality. Data indicates there are approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants who face the possibility of deportation/removal.
The cost of deporting this many people is estimated to take up to an entire decade, costing almost a trillion dollars. The current plan would require building huge detention camps, hiring thousands of new ICE and Border Patrol employees, and expanding immigration courtrooms by adding 1,000 new courtrooms specifically for immigration proceedings.
While it is still unclear how these removal proceedings would work, there is considerable uncertainty among undocumented immigrants – some of whom have been living, working, and raising families in the U.S. for decades. Anyone facing such uncertainty should first speak with a knowledgeable Plano, TX immigration attorney. While it is hoped that you will never face removal or deportation, you should definitely explore all your options and have a plan in place.
What Information Are Undocumented Immigrants Required to Disclose If Arrested?
While it may seem impossible, always stay calm if you are questioned or even if you are arrested. Never try to run away, resist, or argue with the officer. Keep your hands where they can clearly be seen, and do not lie about your immigration status or provide false documents. You have the right to remain silent and do not have to discuss your citizenship status with police or immigration agents unless you are entering or leaving the country.
If you are over the age of 18, always carry your immigration papers with you. Those who are not U.S. citizens must show immigration papers if they have them. If you are driving, you must show your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. If you are arrested, ask to contact a lawyer and do so as soon as you are allowed.
What Plans Should Undocumented Immigrants Have in Place?
Certain things you can do might keep you and your family safe for at least a while. There are also plans you can make in the event of deportation. Consider:
- If you have not yet filed for status, get in touch with an immigration lawyer and do so immediately.
- If you are eligible for DACA or visa renewal, apply now.
- Make sure you have copies of status paperwork for you and every person in your family. This includes citizenship certificates for children.
- If your children were born in the U.S. but you are undocumented, have a designated person who would pick them up for school and care for them in the event you are targeted for removal.
- Do not plan any travel around the time of the change in administration, and do not go near the border.
- Stay off of social media; your personal information could be "scraped" from social media sites.
- Expect that you and your family could be watched.
Right now, the most important thing you can do is make an appointment with a local immigration attorney. Tell him or her everything about your status and that of your family members and ask for assistance in becoming a legal citizen if possible.
Contact a Dallas, TX Immigration Lawyer
If your immigration status is uncertain, speaking to a Plano, TX immigration attorney from Law Office of Jae Lee can potentially make a difference in your future. When you choose our firm, you can work remotely or in person with the attorney, receiving one-on-one guidance from a lawyer whose parents went through the immigration process. Call 214-295-3014 today to schedule your free consultation.